Our Vicar
The Reverend Barbara Marques began her ministry as interim vicar of St. Francis on Sunday November 27, 2022. Barbara is recently pensioned (but not retired!). Prior to coming to St. Francis she served as rector of St. John’s West Point.
Barbara believes that the pulse of the Church is a small church ministry and she looks forward to journeying with St. Francis as they make their way forward. Once pensioned her hope, that was confirmed by God’s call, has been to serve as interim minister in partnership with churches that are navigating change.
Micah 6:8, asks and answers the question: "What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” These are the words that guide Barbara in her ministry. She believes the Church must be the light in the world that strives to bring equality and justice to all people.
"She has two children, Gratia and Titus; one son in law, Jonathan; and two grandchildren, Sage and Sullivan; all who live in the Richmond area. She also has an Australian Shepherd Zinnia.
Ceramic sculpture/pottery are one of the passions that fill Barbara’s spare time.
Hear more of her story and/or share yours by contacting her anytime by
email: ithankyougod649@gmail.com Her email is inspired by the poetry of ee cummings.