Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Vestry Committee and Staff

The vestry committee is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. St. Francis has four members who are elected to three-year terms. The presiding officer of the vestry committee is the vicar.  The senior warden leads the parish between vicars and is a support person for the vicar.  The junior warden has responsibility for the church property and buildings. The treasurer and the register (secretary) are elected by the vestry committee but are not voting members. The basic responsibilities of the vestry committee are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation, to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the vicar when necessary, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.

             Vestry Committee Senior Warden - Susan Kidd                         Vestry Committee Junior Warden -  Gail Wright

               Senior Warden                                         Junior Warden

 Vestry Committee Members 

                Hedy Walker                         Peter LeViness                       Robert Dickinson

Vestry MemberVestry MemberVestry Member

 Minister of Planning - Chris Webber

Planning Minister

Deputy to Diocesan Convention:    TBD

Representative to West Richmond Region: TBD


Register:  The Register takes minutes of the  vestry committee meetings, is in charge of all records except the Parish Register, and keeps all vestry committee correspondence.

Register - Gail Wright



Treasurer:  The Treasurer takes charge of all funds except the communion alms and disburses them as the vestry committee directs.  The treasurer also keeps financial accounts and make reportst o the vestry committee.  The books are delivered to the Wardens at the end of the treasurer's term.

Treasurer - Susan Kidd



Music Director:  The Music Director selects worship songs based on the liturgical season and preaching topics. Leading weekly rehearsals to prepare the Worship Teams to lead worship on Sundays and at other times, and manages the church sound system.

Music Director - Pattie Clappperty

Music Director